What's New

What's New in TI-84 Plus CE online calculator


JAWS screen reader support for users with visual impairments or low vision.

The JAWS screen reader software can read the emulator key presses and calculator screen results
- JAWS screen reader software is only available on Windows devices
There is nothing that the customer needs to “do” on the calculator to make this work, but the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator window does need to be in focus on the screen
Customers can use a mouse OR connected TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator with the SmartPad™ CE App to “drive” the emulator for the JAWS screen reader
- The SmartPad™ CE functionality is only officially supported for Windows devices and intended for use with the JAWS software.

Note: JAWS screen reader support: Basic math functionality and graphing functionality. Apps, programs, and other features are unavailable in JAWS at this time.

Accessibility: Change Mode Setting

The TI-84 Plus CE online calculator default mode setting is MATHPRINT.

You will need to change the TI-84 Plus CE online calculator to CLASSIC mode.

To change mode settings:

1. Click the z button (next to the y button)
2. Choose CLASSIC.











mode button