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CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition

4.0 CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Cabri Jr App Cabri Jr App website

CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus CE/T Family

5.0 CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus CE CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus CE/T Family CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus CE CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus CE website

CabriJr. App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families

Now you can add a new dimension to your students’ learning experience with Cabri Jr., interactive geometry for your calculator.Preloaded on the TI-84 Plus Family! Now you can add a new dimension to your students’ learning experience with Cabri Jr., interactive geometry for your calculator. Create excitement in the classroom as you construct, analyze, and transform mathematical models and geometric diagrams with this ...

CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition

5.0 CabriJr. App for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Cabri Jr App Cabri Jr App website


6017 /83plus/83CabriJrLocalization.dcr 83CabriJrLocalization 83CabriJrLocalization 83CabriJrLocalization website

Cabri® Jr. Guidebook for TI-83 Plus / TI-84 Plus

6063 /apps/83cabrijr.dcr EN Cabri® Jr. Guidebook for TI-83 Plus / TI-84 Plus Cabri® Jr. Guidebook for TI-83 Plus / TI-84 Plus 83cabrijr 83cabrijr website

Exploring Mathematics with the CabriJr. Application

Exploring Mathematics with the CabriJr. Application global website This short book of six activities helps students familiarize themselves with the calculators and related software that will help them...

CabriJr.: Interactive Geometry Activities and Investigations

CabriJr.: Interactive Geometry Activities and Investigations global website Explore geometry through the 29 activities in this book. The focus here is on concepts rather than keystrokes and allows stu...

Reflections over the Axes

It is important for students to know what happens to the coordinates of points when they are reflected over the x-axis or the y-axis. This activity enables students to use Cabri Jr. to develop this understanding.

Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal with Cabri Jr.

Using Cabri Jr, the students (with the teachers help) will create parallel lines cut by a transversal, measure angles, and compare the relationships of the angles formed using features of the Cabri Jr.

Rotations in the Coordinate Plane

It is important for students to know what happens to the coordinates of points when they are rotated in the coordinate plane by 90 or 180 degrees, either clockwise or counterclockwise. This activity enables students to use Cabri Jr. to develop this understanding.

Slopes and Y-Intercepts with Cabri Jr.

Use the TI-84 Plus, Cabri Jr., and TI-Navigator to teach slopes and y-intercepts in your Algebra classroom.

Multiplying Binomials

Use Cabri Jr. on the TI-84 Plus to develop a model for multiplying binomials.

REAL LIFE REAL WORLD Activity: Air Traffic Control

In this lesson, students will model and solve air traffic control problems with geometry software. The Cabri Jr. application will be used to construct a model of the problem situation and concepts from trigonometry and proportions are then applied to find the solution.

Trig Ratios - IB

In this activity, students will use CabriJr. to discover the relationship between the trigonometric functions: sine, cosine and tangent and the side length ratios of a right triangle.

The Discovery of Pi

The Discovery of Pi With Cabri Jr., and hands on materials Students will measure the diameter and circumference of various round objects and compare them to determine pi. They will then perform this acivity again utilizing the Cabri Jr. App on the TI 84 Calculator.

Translations in the Coordinate Plane

It is important for students to know what happens to the coordinates of points when they are translated in the coordinate plane. This activity enables students to use Cabri Jr. to develop this understanding.

Transformations with Cabri Jr.

In this activity, get instructions on how to perform transformations using the Cabri Jr. Application on the TI-84 Plus.

Is an equilateral triangle a special case of isosceles?

The definition of isosceles triangle can determine whether an equilateral triangle is a special case of an isosceles triangle. Using the Cabri Jr. application, students can get a feel for which definition makes the most sense. Along the way, they get experience with a perpendicular bisector, me...

Is a square a special case of rectangle?

The definition of square can determine whether it is a special case of a rectangle. Using the Cabri Jr. application, students can get a feel for why its definition makes sense. Along the way, they get experience with perpendiculars, parallels, measuring lengths, and an informal look at the inte...

Similar Figures Discovery Activity

Students will use Cabri Jr. to discover two properties of similar triangles: corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides are proportional.

Opposite Angles in a Cyclic Quadrilateral

This activity uses CabriJr. to discover that opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary

Properties of Parallelograms

Students will use Cabri Jr. to construct a parallelogram. They discover three properties of parallelograms in this activity: opposite sides are congruent, opposites angles are congruent, and diagonals bisect each other.

Properties of Reflections

I use this activity in the beginning of the school year when introducing terminology such as angles, lines, segments, measures, perpendicular etc. The original material is from the SIMMS Integrated Mathematics Using Technology, I have adapted the activities to fit my objectives. Students have be...

Fun with P(Geo), Parts 1 - 3, and quiz

Using Cabri Jr. and various "areas" to explore using P(Geo).