Match Me
Match Me
Have you ever played a game that tests your memory? The Match Me game generates a list of random colors the player must match using Python and the TI-Nspire CX II.
Programming Objectives:
- Write procedures to manage abstractions.
- Write selection statements.
- Write iterative statements.
- Generate random integer values to represent colors.
- Use lists to manage abstractions.
Have you ever played a game that tests your memory? What types of memory games have you played? Did they involve colors, objects, or sounds? The Match Me game generates a list of random colors the player must match. Originally, the list has only one color. If the player answers the question correctly, the game adds another random color to the growing list of colors and progresses to the next level. Game play continues while the player recalls the ever-growing list of colors.
This project is aligned with key AP Computer Science Principles Standards. For additional Computer Science resources, visit the CS Resources page.
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