Education Technology

Average Rate of Change, Difference Quotients, and Approximate Instantaneous Rate of Change.

Subject Area
Math: Calculus: Limits of Functions
Math: AP Calculus: AP Calculus
Activity Time
100 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Other Materials
This is Activity 5 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
Calculus Activities.
Resource Types

Average Rate of Change, Difference Quotients, and Approximate Instantaneous Rate of Change.

Activity Overview

In this activity, the average rate of change between two points is defined and then used as a concept connecting ideas of slope, difference quotients, and approximations of instantaneous rate of change.

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Subject Area
Math: Calculus: Limits of Functions
Math: AP Calculus: AP Calculus
Activity Time
100 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Other Materials
This is Activity 5 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
Calculus Activities.
Resource Types
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