Education Technology

NUMB3RS - Season 2 - "Backscatter" - The Graph Tells the Story

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Data Analysis
Math: PreAlgebra: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Math: Statistics: Data Analysis
Activity Time
30 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types

NUMB3RS - Season 2 - "Backscatter" - The Graph Tells the Story

Activity Overview

In "Backscatter," Don and his team bust a group of Internet hackers associated with the Russian mob. The mob retaliates, and Charlie must help solve the Internet scheme before the situation worsens.

Before the Activity

Download the attached PDF and look over the Teacher Page.

During the Activity

Discuss the materials from the Student Page with your class.

After the Activity

Encourage students to explore web sites and questions from the Extensions page.

Download Files
Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Data Analysis
Math: PreAlgebra: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Math: Statistics: Data Analysis
Activity Time
30 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types
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