How Cool are You?
- Materials:
- Vernier temperature probes (2)
- 2 test tubes
- Hot water in styrofoam cups
- Micropipette
- Paper towels
- Test tube rack
- Room temperature water
- CBL-2/ or two TI84 plus
- 4 rubber bands
How Cool are You?
Purpose: You will collect and analyze data on a model of the perspiration process.
Background: You know that when you get hot you perspire. This is your body's way of maintaining normal body temperature. But how effective is perspiring in doing this
1. Record your data in the data table below.
Purpose: You will collect and analyze data on a model of the perspiration process.
2. From your table, what was the temperature of the water at 6 minutes?
3. In the dry tube? ___________ In the wet tube? ____________
4. From your graph, what was the temperature of the water at 9 minutes?
6. Use your graph to predict what the temperature would be in the dry tube after 15 minutes.
7. Suggest an explanation for your prediction.
Describe and compare the cooling patterns in the test tubes.
8. Explain what causes the difference in water temperature between the water in the two tubes.
9. Using complete sentences, describe what comparison you could make between the effect of perspiration on the skin of the human body and the newspaper on the wet test tube. Relate your answer to body temperature control.
- Materials:
- Vernier temperature probes (2)
- 2 test tubes
- Hot water in styrofoam cups
- Micropipette
- Paper towels
- Test tube rack
- Room temperature water
- CBL-2/ or two TI84 plus
- 4 rubber bands
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