Education Technology

DC Circuit Analysis

Subject Area
Science: Science General: General
Activity Time
TI Calculator
TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium
Other Materials
This is Chapter 1 from the EXPLORATIONS Book: Electrical Engineering Applications with the TI-89.

Resource Types

DC Circuit Analysis

Activity Overview

Shows three examples of the use of nodal analysis to solve linear circuits. The first two examples use the solve() command to solve a set of linear equations for circuit. The third example shows how to write the equations in matrix form and use simult() to solve them.

During the Activity

Shows three examples of the use of nodal analysis to solve linear circuits. The first two examples use the solve() command to solve a set of linear equations for circuit. The third example shows how to write the equations in matrix form and use simult() to solve them.

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Subject Area
Science: Science General: General
Activity Time
TI Calculator
TI-89 / TI-89 Titanium
Other Materials
This is Chapter 1 from the EXPLORATIONS Book: Electrical Engineering Applications with the TI-89.

Resource Types
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