Education Technology

Braking Distance and Driving Conditions

Subject Area
Math: Algebra II: Data Analysis
Math: Algebra II: Equations
Math: Algebra II: Inequalities
Math: Algebra II: Quadratics
Activity Time
30 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-Nspire™ CX series
Other Materials
A student worksheet will be completed by each student.
Resource Types

Braking Distance and Driving Conditions

Activity Overview

This activity requires students to find regression formulas for braking distances under various conditions. The conditions include driving under normal conditions, driving in wet weather, and driving while talking on the cell phone. The document will guide students through making predictions using their models. They will also see the effects of their driving on a pedestrian for each driving condition.

Before the Activity

This document assumes that regression has been discussed previously and that students are familiar with quadratic graphs and writing compound inequalities.

During the Activity

Students will use data collected from an online simulator to find regression formulas for braking distances when driving under normal conditions, wet weather, and while talking on the cell phone. Students will also find information on what the consequences would be to a pedestrian when hit under the varying driving conditions.

Subject Area
Math: Algebra II: Data Analysis
Math: Algebra II: Equations
Math: Algebra II: Inequalities
Math: Algebra II: Quadratics
Activity Time
30 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-Nspire™ CX series
Other Materials
A student worksheet will be completed by each student.
Resource Types
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