Education Technology

Applications of Exponential Functions in Music

Subject Area
Math: Precalculus: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Activity Time
1.5 Hours
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Sensor - Microphone
Other Materials
  • Tuning forks for a complete octave
Resource Types

Applications of Exponential Functions in Music

Activity Overview

Gather data with CBL™s, microphone probes, tuning forks for the 8 notes of the middle octave.
Estimate period of notes from data. Invert period to estimate frequency of note. Generate table of frequency vs. octave above middle C for each note. Develop exponential function relating frequency to the number of octaves above middle C. (Theoretical model is F = 256(2)^n)

Before the Activity

Students should have an understanding of the role the parameters a and b play in the graph of the function, y = ab^x

During the Activity

Please see attached Word .doc for more details.

After the Activity

Review student answers:

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary
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    Download Files
    Subject Area
    Math: Precalculus: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
    Activity Time
    1.5 Hours
    TI Calculator
    TI-84 series
    Sensor - Microphone
    Other Materials
    • Tuning forks for a complete octave
    Resource Types
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