Education Technology

An Introduction to Solving Literal Equations

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Equations and Inequalities
Activity Time
90 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-Nspire™ CX series
Other Materials
Solving Literal Equations Teacher Notes
Solving Literal Equations Student Document
Literal Equations tns file
possible some reference books for the students to use to research literal equations
Resource Types

An Introduction to Solving Literal Equations

Activity Overview

Students will look at literal equations and investigate how to solve them for different variables.

Before the Activity

Download and read the worksheet and Nspire documents before giving it to your students. Students should have some basic knowledge of how to solve equations.

During the Activity

Let students do as much as possible on their own, but be available to answer individual questions that students might have. Problem 2 is an activity that increases the cognitive demand. The students are having to research and find or create a literal equation.

After the Activity

Assessment and evaluation:

  • The last part of the document can be used as an assessment if desired.

  • Activity extensions
  • Give students other formulas with which to work.
  • Author
    Subject Area
    Math: Algebra I: Equations and Inequalities
    Activity Time
    90 Minutes
    TI Calculator
    TI-Nspire™ CX series
    Other Materials
    Solving Literal Equations Teacher Notes
    Solving Literal Equations Student Document
    Literal Equations tns file
    possible some reference books for the students to use to research literal equations
    Resource Types
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