Module 27 - Activities for Enhancing the Teaching of Calculus
  Introduction | Assignment | Activity 6 | Activity 7 | Activity 8 | Activity 9 | Activity 10

The introduction of technology can enhance the learning of students through opportunities for guided discovery and further connections to real-world problems. In this module we will examine a few activities that provide some of those opportunities and connections.

Research has shown that mathematical understanding is enhanced by solving real-world problems and by exploring mathematical concepts through guided discovery. The TI-89 can expand the types of problems that students can approach and it can enable students to explore mathematical relationships at a very early level. The activities in this module use technology to assist students in analyzing and interpreting data when making decisions and in understanding mathematical concepts.

In this module there are a collection of five activities. The length of time needed to complete each activity ranges from approximately 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Most of the activities require a minimum of equipment, set-up and materials. They are designed to stand alone and can be done independently of each other. The TI-89 is an integral part of each activity.

Each activity contains a cover sheet and activity sheets. Each cover sheet is designed to inform the teacher about the activity and it includes:

  • The topic(s) addressed in the activity
  • NCTM standards associated with the topic(s)
  • Materials needed
  • Overview of the activity
  • Teacher directions

Read through each activity and select at least two that are of interest to you. Work through the activities yourself or if possible work through them with a class.

Activity Index:

    27.1 - Activity 6 - Bottling Up the Profits

    27.2 - Activity 7 - Grill Master

    27.3 - Activity 8 - The Spread of Disease with Differential Equations

    27.4 - Activity 9 - The Timing Probability

    27.5 - Activity 10 - Definite Integrals and Area Under A Curve

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