Module 6 - Answers
Lesson 1
 Answer 1
6.1.1 The smaller tolerance for x, 0.13, will ensure that y is within 0.1 of 2 when x is close to 3.
 Answer 2
6.1.2 To ensure that y is within 0.01 of 2, x should be within 0.0133 of 3.
Lesson 2
 Answer 1
6.2.1 Find a positive number so that when .
 Answer 2

 Answer 3
6.2.3 Solve and for to obtain and . The correct tolerance is the minimum of the two values, .
 Answer 4
6.2.4 Given a positive number find a positive number that will ensure that


Self Test
 Answer 1

The x-value should be within 0.0488088 of 1 to ensure that x2 + 3 is within 0.1 of 4.

 Answer 2

Find a positive number so that 4 - 0.1 < x2 + 3 < 4 + 0.1 whenever . The x-value should be within 0.0488088 of 1

 Answer 3

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. -
  4. +

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