Module 3 - Answers
Lesson 1
 Answer 1

The graph of is a vertical stretch of by a factor of 3. The graph of is a vertical shrink (or compression) of the graph of by a factor of 1/2.

 Answer 2

is a reflection across the x-axis of .

Lesson 2
 Answer 1

is a vertical shift of up 5.

is a vertical shift of down 4.

 Answer 2
3.2.2 produces a horizontal shift of to the right 3 units.
 Answer 3
3.2.3 The graph of is the graph of :
  • Reflected about the x-axis.
  • Vertically compressed by a factor of 1/3.
  • Shifted left 5.
  • Shifted down 1.

Lesson 3
 Answer 1

If the transformed graph will be a vertical shrink.

If the transformed graph will be a vertical stretch.

If a < 0, the transformed graph will be a reflection across the x-axis.

 Answer 2
3.3.2 According to the table the investment will have grown to approximately $1418.52 in six years.
 Answer 3

The investment will double in approximately 12 years, which agrees with the solution found from the table of values.

 Answer 4

About 3.15 grams remain after 50 days.

 Answer 5

There will be 1 gram remaining after about 100 days.

 Answer 6
3.3.6 Y2 = log(2x) appears to be a vertical shift of Y1 = log(x).
 Answer 7
3.3.7 The third graph suggests that the difference in the first two functions is a constant. In other words: Y2Y1 = C so Y2 = Y1 + C. This last equation supports the conjecture that Y2 is a vertical shift of Y1.
 Answer 8
3.3.8 For positive values of a and x, log(ax) = log(x) + log(a).
Lesson 4
 Answer 1
  • Make sure that the transformed regression equation is stored in Y2.
  • In the TBLSET editor, set TblStart = 0 and Tbl = 10.

  • Display the table by pressing [TABLE].

The x-value that yields an output close to 30 is x = 40. So the transformed regression equation predicts that the water will cool to approximately 30°C in a bit less than 40 minutes, which corresponds well with the data.

Self Test
 Answer 1

Any ordering of these 4 transformations will result in the correct graph as long as the vertical stretch and reflection are done before the vertical shift.

Reflect across the x-axis
Vertical stretch by factor of 2
Shift left 1
Shift down 3

 Answer 2
The investment will double in about 10.2 years
 Answer 3
x 222.4
 Answer 4
Y2 is a vertical shift of Y1 downward and the shift is equal to log(2).
 Answer 5
y = 64(0.93)x + 23

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