Education Technology

Software, OS updates and apps

TI-89 Titanium Operating System

The new functionality includes domain and graphing improvements, solving inequalities, solving equations involving vectors, nth root and log to any base functionality, implicit derivatives and gradian angle measure. TI Connect™ for Windows® or TI Connect™ for Macintosh® is required to install this update.

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TI-89 Titanium Operating System 3.10 1,367

Features Summary

This operating system (OS) version is a recommended update for all TI-89 Titanium units. The new functionality includes domain and graphing improvements, solving inequalities, solving equations involving vectors, nth root and log to any base functionality, implicit derivatives and gradian angle measure.

Learn More

Steps to check your OS version:

  1. Press F1 on your TI-89 Titanium Scroll down to About
  2. Press Enter
  3. You should see Advanced Mathematics Software Version 3.10

*Before you begin to install any new Apps or update your OS, be sure you have a new set of batteries in your TI handheld for optimum performance.

*Installing OS 3.10 will remove all data including preloaded Graphing Calculator Software Applications (Apps).

Consult TI-Connect Help for details on backing up RAM, Archive and Applications.

International Users

If you use your TI-89 Titanium in a language other than English, you can download an updated localizer.

TI-89 Titanium Language Localizers v3.10 are available in ten languages, and are optimized to work with OS 3.10.

Download TI-89 Titanium OS Language Localizer