Education Technology

Solution 34428: Storing Values on a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.

How do I store values on a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition?

Values are stored to and recalled from memory using variable names. When an expression containing the name of a variable is evaluated, the value of the variable at that time is used.

To store a value to a variable from the home screen or a program using the [STO®] key, begin on a blank line and follow these steps:

1) Enter the value that is to be stored (the value can be an expression).
2) Press [STO®]. "®" is copied to the cursor location on the calculator's screen.
3) Press [ALPHA] and then the letter of the variable to which that value will be stored. For example, to store 5 to the variable U, press [ALPHA] [5].
4) Press [ENTER]. If an expression was entered, it will be evaluated. The value is now stored to that variable.

Please see the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition guidebook for additional information.